søndag den 27. december 2009

Bon Voyage

So, tomorrow morning I start my journey back to the US. Christmas has been amazing! This past 6 months being home in Denmark has been so great. Grad school has really been all I hoped it to be, and I'm ready to start my 2nd semester.

... right now I'm finishing up packing, and then in just a few hours we will load up the car and head to the airport. Its going to be sad saying goodbye to my parents, especially cuz we have had such an amazing time - but we have skype! and hopefully they'll come see me very soon.

So next time I blog, it will be from US soil. Cincinnati, here I come....

søndag den 20. december 2009

Slip in to something comfortable

Bbbrrrr, its cold out! And keeping your feet warm has never been so stylish - Check out these super cute slippers from Anne Loft.

torsdag den 3. december 2009

Just the thing for New Years

(Champagne: Piper-Heidsieck)

I'm a champagne girl, so of course New Years is one of my favorite Holidays. Although I am pretty good at finding a reason for breaking out the bubbly at any occasion :) Well, not too long ago I was out at the bars with my friends from Grad School celebrating the last day of classes, and of course it wouldn't be a party with out Champagne! I tried a new brand and it was SO good! I have been looking at different stores to see where I can get it, but now it looks like I'm going to be spending New Years in the States. But this girl has her priorities in order! haha, so even though I don't have my plane ticket yet, I've done the research and I found the brand of champagne at the Party Source - phew! New Years saved! ;) the name of it is Piper, or Piper-Heidsieck. I especially like their Rose Sauvage! Its $45 for a big bottle, but you can get them in "baby" bottles too for 14 dollars. HAPPY NEW YEARS!

søndag den 29. november 2009

The Coatigan

(I really like the texture , color and pinning detail, from Day Birger Mikkelsen)

(Olivia from the MTV show "The City") I love this girly touch of this coatigan

I have been putting in some serious studying hours and working on my big project this weekend, so blogging has been a nice little break. I still love my boots! And now I can't stop thinking about all the new outfits I get to put together, which brings me to my latest must have - the Coatigan! Haha, I love the name :) Nice big cardigan that you can wear as a coat - perfect for all those little dresses I have. And luckly a lot of designers have put out some super cute ones this season, so the "Coatigan" goes on my Christmas list..... hm, I hope Santa reads blogs.

lørdag den 28. november 2009

Dress me up!

(dress, forever21 Exclusivly ours)
I'm so happy that I now get to wear my dresses even more now that I've gotten my new fabulous boots. My budget is thight this fall/winter/spring, but that just gives me a chance to put even more thought into my fashion choices. I love this little dress from forever21, so I hope I can still get it when I get to go back to the States in a month. I think it would be a cute every day dress, where I can change up the accessories, belt, jewlery and so on; even put a cardigan over it.

Boots, Boots, Boots!

(Bianco boot, product number 31-42590)
I have been on the lookout for some new boots, and I have been trying on many different styles. The "over the knee" boots are super hot this season here in Denmark (and I've been told, the rest of the world too) - after trying on a pair I was hooked. Aesthetically they really speak to me, they are super stylish and feminine, and its a great alternative to a to a pair of "statement" heels (and a little more practical).
So the hunt for the right pair of boots had begun - and yesterday I found the perfect pair! They are "mid thigh", which is a category I hadn't even heard of before, and as the name implies they go up to the middle of my thigh, so they are a little taller than the "over the knee" model. I got mine at Bianco, and they are normally 1800 dkr, but they are totally worth every penny! Really nice leather, and a great fit.
Things to consider when bying this kind of boots:
Its great because you can get this kind of boot in any price range. If you get some that are not real leather, then remember once the material stretches it won't go back. Leather will form to your legs so even if it fits a little tight it will give a little. Ask in the store how the boot gets after you start wearing it, some do tend to start slouching when you start wearing them, so if you are looking for a sleeker look, then make sure the boot has some sort of tying options to keep it from sliding down. Although a heel is always great, in this case I would opt not going in that direction, that way you avoid the connotation of the famous PVC boots featured in Pretty Woman. Take this in to consideration as well when looking at the texture of the leather/pleather, don't get anything too shiny, because it will tend to look more like the far from fashionalbe PVC.

mandag den 9. november 2009

Doing Reseach in my favorite...

Oh joy of doing big projects! I'm in my research phase right now which means I get to read articles from the Wall Street journal and European Review among others. LOVE IT! Its is so interesting, and I keep learning something new. I'm writing about female leadership, and how to get more women into the board room. And combining reality and theory is a great big puzzle which in the end will turn out a great paper I'm sure!

Writing projects also means I don't have to "dress" up to go to school. Instead I get to wear super comfy sweat pants and hoddies(if its cold out like today)... I love my Old School sweat pants from Victoria Secret, not only are they super comfy, but they fit really well too, cuz they kinda hang off your body.This means they don't make my butt look big (haha). So I can totally recommend the Old School style if anyone is looking for cute sweat pants.

tirsdag den 27. oktober 2009

Shout-out to - The Big Bang Theory

I want to give a shout-out to one of my favorite TV shows right now -The Big Bang Theory. I simply love this show, it is so funny and original. And I can't get enough. Here in Denmark it airs on Kanal 6 at 23.30. Just in time for a good laugh and a shot of brilliant sarcasm.

Movie Review - Julie&Julia

Sunday was national Cinema Day which meant tickets were half off. GREAT! They should to that more often. There are a lot of good movies out right now, but I had been dying to see Julia&Julia. So Sunday night I went to see it - and it was great! The storyline was funny, well told and original. The acting was great, and the casting was spot on. I really enjoyed it. And since I've just started blogging I kinda liked it was about blogging too - just a little bit anyways. The way the movie is set up it tells the story of two women, one being Julia Childs. Her character really sparked an interest with me, so I'm gonna see if I can get a hold of a good biography and a mix up the research with some down-time reading.

Time to write papers

It’s getting darker and darker outside, we turned back the clock the other day – the winter is truly upon us. This also means that it’s time to turn up our sleeves and start writing papers! The next few weeks will include doing a lot of research and creating an absolutely brilliant outline. The tricky part is always how do you get started?
I like to mind map – I write what is key to my project in the center – and then branch out and write different aspects that I want to cover like the concepts, theory, history, debate, actors, future, and so on. I feel like writing my paper becomes so much easier that way, because then I just have to “fill out” each topic.
To make sure I get all the technical stuff in there too I close read the handbook where all the rules are listed, and then make a list of all the criterias. I love lists! I love the feeling of being able to check stuff off when I’m done with it. It also helps keep me organized, which I’ve gotten a lot better at.
And then I make my time frame. Buffer zones are key! Make running deadlines for different parts of the project. You can always readjust if something comes up along the way – but this way you make sure you get back on track. And don’t make the final deadline the one that the university gives you - make it a few days before that.
Wish me luck.

lørdag den 17. oktober 2009

Pumpkin Project

Today was pumpkin day! I got this really big pumpkin for only 20 Dkr the other day, so I’ve been looking at designs for what I wanted to carve. I couldn’t decide which one to choose so I did three. My arms are so sore right now from all the scraping and carving – but I’m really happy with the result. This is only my 2. Pumpkin ever!

Tips and tricks

First, you make the lid – make sure to cut in to the pumpkin at a 45 degree angle, this will make it so that the lid doesn’t fall through the pumpkin when you are done. And remember to cut the hole wide enough so that you can get your hand through it.
When you clean out the pumpkin, clean out as much as you can so that you give yourself a thin a “shell” to cut through.
Find yourself a template of what you want to carve, print it out and tape it to your pumpkin
Take a safety pin and punch holes along the outline of your image, and then remove the paper - you are left with a “dotted” outline of your image.
Now it’s a matter of connecting the dots – cut following the dotted lines. Start with the small details first.
Have fun!

fredag den 16. oktober 2009

Fall Break recap

Sofie hearts Joey

My fall break is almost over, now its time to enjoy the weekend and get ready to start school back up. So far I've been working on papers and doing research - not really my idea of a "break" - but there has been room for some fun things too. I've been to the city, bought some nice warm boots and been out to a nice dinner with my parents. But the highlight of my week was getting the most amazing package from my boo :) .... Since Halloween is coming up we got a pumpkin today; I found some designs online so I think I'll carve that out tomorrow. Check in to see project pics :)

lørdag den 3. oktober 2009

Saturday with Mr. Darcy

I love Saturdays, and today was no different. To my delight I was zapping through the channels and ended up on TV2Charlie. They were airing one of my favorite Mini series of all time, the original BBC mini of Pride and Prejudice – with the Colin Firth as the only true Mr Darcy. YAY for that, and I know for sure I’ll be tuning in next Saturday to catch the next episode. And now it’s time to get ready to go to the Theater tonight, I’ll tell you all about that later.

mandag den 28. september 2009

Hjælp til at holde den slanke linje

Der findes Juice kure, protein kure, æble kure, sulte kure og ja, jeg kan blive ved. Det der med slankekur har aldrig lige været mig, men jeg kan godt li at være sund. Og når det gælder om at holde den slanke linje, så synes jeg det er nemmest, hvis man bare tælle kalorierne. Med hjemmesiden http://www.madital.dk/ gør den hele regnestykket meget nemmere og overskueligt. Du kan lave en målsætning for f.eks. vægttab og følge dine fremskridt på kurver og grafer. Bedst af alt, så kan du holde styr på, hvor meget du reelt spiser – du indtaster blot hvad du har spist, og så bliver der lavet en beregning på hvad du har indtaget i forhold til kalorier, kulhydrater, protein og alt det der. Du kan også regne på dit aktivitets behov i forhold til hvad du har spist. Alt i alt er hjemmesiden et rigtig godt redskab til at holde styr på slankekuren.

søndag den 27. september 2009

Thursday, Happy Meal and Cocktails at Voo Doo

On Thrusday the CCG program at AAU is throwing an event called ”Happy meal” and of course I’m going to be there! After dinner I am sure that the girls and I are gonna hit up our favorite cocktail bar in the street, “Voo Doo” – they serve the most amazing drinks and cocktails. The bartenders are top dollar and the atmosphere is cool, classy and fun! After a busy week I will be looking forward to slip on some heels and sip on cool apple martini.

lørdag den 26. september 2009

Red dress

(fra højre, Betzy Johnson, Grey Ant, Zac Posen)
Jeg har i noget tid nu gået og tænkt på, at jeg godt kunne tænke mig en lækker knald rød kjole! Jeg kan meget godt li disse tre udgaver vist ovenfor. Nu er der så dømt skattejagt, så må vi se om jeg kan finde den helt rigtige kjole til mig.

Rascal Flatts - Love them!

Ja, de er ikke så kendt herhjemme, men de er rigtig store i USA. Jeg snakker om Rascal Flatts(billede). Deres musik er både country og pop - på den gode måde! Der er kælet for musikken, men det er deres tekster der gør at man falder pladask for deres charme. Her i sommers udkom deres nyest album Unstoppable og jeg synes helt sikkert det en lytter værd. Lige nu ligger nummeret ”Close” i fast rotation på min mp3’er. Lyt med på dette Youtube klip -

fredag den 25. september 2009

I like... cocktail rings

Cocktail ringe har været på listen over super hotte accessories de sidste par sæsoner, og de er stadig blandt et af mine ynglings must-haves! Jeg er meget betaget af denne ”Happy Coctail Ring” guld ring med en blå Topaz fra Svane & Lürhs til 3.050 kr(vejl)


Jeg var i går i teateret og se Pianisten og Bumsen. Det er en slags musik stykke, hvor to musikere/skuespillere/performere fortolker den danske samtid gennem John Mogensen’s sange. Og det var helt fantastisk! Jeg blev overordentlig positivt overrasket! Gennemtænkte fortolkninger, utrolig musikalske egenskaber, og virkelig underholdende. Publikum blev inddraget på en meget smagfuld måde, og alle havde sig en god aften. Igen plat humor på andres bekostning i sigte her.
Jeg har før kun hørt John Mogensens sange da jeg var yngre, og den stod på Giro 413 i radioen om søndagen mens min mor gjorde rent. Det jo virkelig nogle meget sigende og betænkningsværdige sangtekster. Jeg tror måske jeg skal have kigget lidt på de gamle’s cd samling og pillet nogle numre ud til mp3’eren.

Mere information om forestillingen kan findes på denne hjemmeside http://www.hansen-marcussen.dk/pr.htm

fredag den 18. september 2009

Here we go...

Så, nu vil jeg prøve at blive en rigtig blogger. Jeg har fuldt en håndfuld forskellige blogger den seneste tid, og er blevet rigtig godt og grundig inspireret til at prøve med min egen blog.