mandag den 9. november 2009

Doing Reseach in my favorite...

Oh joy of doing big projects! I'm in my research phase right now which means I get to read articles from the Wall Street journal and European Review among others. LOVE IT! Its is so interesting, and I keep learning something new. I'm writing about female leadership, and how to get more women into the board room. And combining reality and theory is a great big puzzle which in the end will turn out a great paper I'm sure!

Writing projects also means I don't have to "dress" up to go to school. Instead I get to wear super comfy sweat pants and hoddies(if its cold out like today)... I love my Old School sweat pants from Victoria Secret, not only are they super comfy, but they fit really well too, cuz they kinda hang off your body.This means they don't make my butt look big (haha). So I can totally recommend the Old School style if anyone is looking for cute sweat pants.

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